【sum とdecodeによる集計】
List 1
select prd.prod_id,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 1, sls.quantity_sold)) as JAN,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 2, sls.quantity_sold)) as FEB,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 3, sls.quantity_sold)) as MAR,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 4, sls.quantity_sold)) as APR,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 5, sls.quantity_sold)) as MAY,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 6, sls.quantity_sold)) as JUN,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 7, sls.quantity_sold)) as JUL,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 8, sls.quantity_sold)) as AUG,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 9, sls.quantity_sold)) as SEP,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 10, sls.quantity_sold)) as OCT,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 11, sls.quantity_sold)) as NOV,
sum(decode(extract(month from sls.time_id), 12, sls.quantity_sold)) as DEC,
sum(quantity_sold) as subtotal
from sales sls, products prd
where sls.prod_id = prd.prod_id
and sls.time_id between to_date('19980101','yyyymmdd') and to_date('19981231','yyyymmdd')
group by prd.prod_id, prd.prod_name
order by prd.prod_id;
![]() |
Figure 1: sum and decode |
Oracle Database 11g から、新たにpivot句が導入されました。
List 2
select *
from (select prd.prod_id,
extract(month from sls.time_id) time_id,
sls.quantity_sold from sales sls, products prd
where sls.prod_id = prd.prod_id
and sls.time_id between to_date('19980101','yyyymmdd') and to_date('19981231','yyyymmdd'))
pivot (sum(quantity_sold) for time_id in (1,2,3))
order by prod_id;
【group by cube()の使用】
group by cube()は、クロス集計結果を戻します。列の構成はselect句の指定のままですので、結果セットを受け取ったプログラム側でクロス集計表形式に展開する必要がありますが、前述の2つの方式と異なり、横軸の要素が事前に不明である場合でも、すべての組み合わせを自動で集計する点で優位です。
group by cube()は2つ以上のディメンジョンを同時に計算することができます。以下の例では、一般的な2次元の集計に、product表を結合してproduct.prod_nameを表示しています。
List 3
select prd.prod_id,
from products prd,
select prod_id,
extract(month from time_id) as mm,
sum(quantity_sold) as sum_quantity
from sales
where time_id between to_date('19980101','yyyymmdd') and to_date('19981231','yyyymmdd')
group by cube (prod_id, extract(month from time_id))
) sls
where prd.prod_id(+) = sls.prod_id
order by prd.prod_id, sls.mm;
![]() |
Figure 2: group by cube() |
There are three ways to perform cross tabulation.
[sum and decode]
The traditional way is List1. Figure 1 shows its result.
Oracle Database 11g releases pivod operator. With pivot, you can rewrite the previous SQL very simple. Please see List 2.
Unfortunately, you need to specify in clause with static values - in clause does not accept sub query. We hope this function will be improved in the future release.
[group by cube()]
group by cube() produces cross-tabulation values. Since it does not format its results like spread sheet, it is your application's duty to format spread sheet like output. Please see List 3 and Figure 2.
(*) for group by rollup(), please refer the past post here.
The traditional way is List1. Figure 1 shows its result.
Oracle Database 11g releases pivod operator. With pivot, you can rewrite the previous SQL very simple. Please see List 2.
Unfortunately, you need to specify in clause with static values - in clause does not accept sub query. We hope this function will be improved in the future release.
[group by cube()]
group by cube() produces cross-tabulation values. Since it does not format its results like spread sheet, it is your application's duty to format spread sheet like output. Please see List 3 and Figure 2.
(*) for group by rollup(), please refer the past post here.
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