
エクセル帳票出力の並列実行 その2 (Excel file parallel processing, Part 2)


Figure 3: CPU usage

1スレッドでの実行においても、コアをまたがって処理負荷が分散されています。常に5つのコアがそれぞれ60%程度の使用率で推移しており、全体での使用率は約40%(300% ÷ 800%)です。従って、CPU容量に対する伸びしろはこの時点で最大2.5倍しか残されていないと言えます。


実行モードの内訳を確認すると、Priviledged Time (sys)が2割近くを占めています。
Figure 4: CPU mode

コンテキスト・スイッチ(Context Switches)の状態は以下の通りです。以前の検証でも高い値を記録していましたが、今回も同様です。
Figure 5: Context Switches

プロセッサ・キュー(Processor Queue Length)の値は4スレッドから目立ち始め、5スレッド以降は過負荷であることを示しています。
Figure 6: Processor Queue Length

Figure 7: Memory

4スレッドまでは問題ありません。5スレッド以降はDisk Timeの値が増加し始めます。
Figure 8: Disk Time (1 - Idle Time)

Figure 9: Disk Queue Length


In the last post, multi thread processing had got poor result.  The maximum performance is 10.3 files per sec (130% increase) with four threads.
OS statistics explains the detail of this problem.

Figure 3 shows the CPU usage, from 1 to 8 threads.  The single thread test case(left side) uses 5 cores.  Overall CPU usage is about 40%, so the remained CPU resource is 60%.  This means that maximum performance increase ratio is 150% more ( 60 / 40 = 1.5).

Same as the past test (the original sample program), Priviledged Time (sys) gets higher than the ordinary level (Figure 4).
Context Switches seems bad in Figure 5.  Its trend is mostly same as CPU usage.
Processor Queue Length gets high from 5 to 8 threads (Figure 6).  This means too much threads causes collision and it leads lower performance.

Figure 7.  There seems no problem.

Figure 8 and 9.  Through 1 to 4 threads, no problem.  From 5 threads, Disk Time and Disk Queue Length get higher.

Excel file processing (Excel COM operation) is CPU bound.
Excel application itself manages more than 10 processes within , and perform multi thread processing.  This architecture might increase the single running performance though, there's few room to increase with running Excel application in parallel.


エクセル帳票出力の並列実行 その1 (Excel file parallel processing, Part 1)


検証環境は「エクセルファイルのバッチ出力 その5」と同様です。なお、今回はデバッグモードではなく、アプリケーション(.exe)を直接実行します。

Figure 1: Form

List 1:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Util;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;


namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int num_threads = trackBar1.Value;
            List<Util.Ora2Excel> lst = new List<Util.Ora2Excel>();

            // initialize
            for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
                lst.Add(new Util.Ora2Excel());
                lst[i].OpenDb(txtUser.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtConnString.Text);

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            Parallel.For(0, num_threads, threadID =>
                for (int idx = 0; idx < 100; idx++)
                    lst[threadID].OpenBook(@"c:\template_emp.xlsx", true);
                    lst[threadID].Extract(txtSql.Text, txtSheet.Text);
                    lst[threadID].SaveBook(@"c:\" + threadID.ToString() + @"\result_emp" + "_" + threadID.ToString() + "_" + idx.ToString() + ".xlsx");
            // write the result
            System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"c:\testResult.log", true);
            sw.WriteLine("threads: " + num_threads.ToString() + ", "  + (DateTime.Now - startTime).ToString());
            // close objects
            for (int j = 0; j < num_threads; j++)


        private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lblThreads.Text = "threads: " + trackBar1.Value.ToString();

DLL部のソースに変更はありません。ソースは「エクセルファイルのバッチ出力 その3」を参照してください。

Figure 2: Performance result


In this post, we'll see how much we can increase Excel file processing performance by parallel (multi thread) processing.

Please refer to Excel file processing, Part 5.

[Sample source (GUI)]
In the ordinary batch system,you may run programs by job scheduler parallel.  In this test, I implement multi thread processing within the sample program.  Please refer Figure 1 and List 1.  The slider at the bottom of the form specifies the number of threads.  Each thread owns individual database session and Excel object.

[Sample source (DLL)]
No changes have been made.  Please refer to Excel file processing, Part 3 for the source code.

As shown in Figure 2, the result is not so good.  The output performance hit the peak with four threads.  The peak performance is 10.3 files per sec. (100% increase from single thread performance)

In the next post, we read the OS statistics.


エクセルファイルのバッチ出力 その6 (Excel file processing, Part 6)


Figure 11: CPU usage during the Excel file processing

CPU使用率の内訳を確認します。全体でのPrivileged TimeとUser Time(sys、user)の使用率は以下の通りです。Privileged Timeが若干ですが目立ちます。
Figure 12: CPU mode

念のためコンテキストスイッチ(Context Switches)を確認します。高い値で推移しています。Excel 2010では過去のバージョンよりも多くのスレッドが使用されているため、今回のような使用パターンでは値が高止まりしやすいと推測されます。
Figure 13: Context switches

Figure 14: CPU usage of Excel process

Figure 15: CPU usage of the VM processes

Figure 16: Memory usage

Figure 17: Disk usage


Figures above show the OS statistics during the sample program processing.

Figure 11 shows that the sample program (and Excel process) uses 4 cores (Intel Core i7: 4 cores w/ HT).  Each cores are used around 50%.

Figure 12 shows Privileged Time and User Time in total.  the Privileged Time is higher than ordinary level.

Figure 13 shows Context Switches get high level.  Since Excel 2010 handles more threads than the past version (Excel 2003 and older), the overhead of context switch becomes bigger issue.

Figure 14 and 15 show CPU usage of Excel process and DB server on the virtual machine.  The CPU usage of VM is low enough to be ignored.

no problem with the memory (Figure 16).

Disk is not busy at all (Figure 17).

The result shows that Excel operation costs CPU resource.  I will test parallel processing in the next post.