Visual C# 2005 または Visual C# .NET を使用してデータを Excel ブックに転送する方法:
List 5:
public void Extract(string sql, string SheetName)
const int XL_WHOLE = 1;
const int XL_DOWN = -4121;
const string START_TAG = "$start";
int colCount;
List<object[]> lst = new List<object[]>();
DateTime lapTime;
lapTime = DateTime.Now;
OleDbDataReader rst = GetRecordset(sql); // get recordset
colCount = rst.FieldCount;
Debug.WriteLine("[query] " + (DateTime.Now - lapTime).ToString());
lapTime = DateTime.Now;
while (rst.Read()) // output loop
object[] ColValues = new Object[rst.FieldCount];
for (int idxCol = 0; idxCol < rst.FieldCount; idxCol++)
ColValues[idxCol] = rst.GetValue(idxCol);
Debug.WriteLine("[set row val] " + (DateTime.Now - lapTime).ToString());
// convert list => array
lapTime = DateTime.Now;
object[,] Values2Copy = new Object[lst.Count, colCount];
for (int idxRow = 0; idxRow < lst.Count; idxRow++)
for (int idxCol = 0; idxCol < colCount; idxCol++)
Values2Copy[idxRow, idxCol] = lst[idxRow][idxCol];
Debug.WriteLine("[list to array] " + (DateTime.Now - lapTime).ToString());
// copy array into excel sheet.
lapTime = DateTime.Now;
xSheet = xBook.Worksheets[SheetName]; // activate start position
Debug.WriteLine("[activate sheet] " + (DateTime.Now - lapTime).ToString());
lapTime = DateTime.Now;
xSheet.Cells.Find(What: START_TAG, LookAt: XL_WHOLE).Activate();
Debug.WriteLine("[find $start] " + (DateTime.Now - lapTime).ToString());
lapTime = DateTime.Now;
int idxStart = xApplication.ActiveCell.Row;
xSheet.Rows[(idxStart + 1).ToString() + ":" + (idxStart + lst.Count-1).ToString()].Insert(Shift: XL_DOWN);
Debug.WriteLine("[insert row] " + (DateTime.Now - lapTime).ToString());
lapTime = DateTime.Now;
Range r = xApplication.ActiveCell;
r = r.get_Resize(lst.Count, colCount);
r.set_Value(Missing.Value, Values2Copy);
Debug.WriteLine("[copy into range] " + (DateTime.Now - lapTime).ToString());
![]() |
Figure 7: Events |
To speed up Excel operation, please refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base.
How to transfer data to an Excel workbook by using Visual C# 2005 or Visual C# .NET
The program transfer two dimension array to a range of multiple cells at one time. This technique runs faster than passing data cell by cell.
List 5 uses List to store the fetched rows. This is because the sample program determines the number of rows and columns in runtime.
Figure 7 shows elapsed time per file. The main part (extract) is reduced from 1.24 sec to 0.04 sec. So, the total elapsed time is 1.5 sec to 0.3 sec per each. (Still it is slow, though)
Inside "extract", please see Figure 8. (*) Note that time scale is different.
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